Transparent, Authentic, Straight-Talk From Our Clients.

Teacher   Parent  Student

I used to live here [in DC] for many years, but never understood the history of this great city & with Diane (Guide)...I've learned so much more.

"I used to live here [in DC] for many years, but never understood the history of this great city & with Diane (Guide)...I've learned so much more."

One of the big highlights was getting to assist with laying the wreath.

"One of the big highlights was getting to assist with laying the wreath."

It was an honor for my wife and I to watch her bring the wreath up to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

"It was an honor for my wife and I to watch her bring the wreath up to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier"

It's been a great trip, especially to be able to go on tour with your kids.

"It's been a great trip, especially to be able to go on tour with your kids."

To my surprise it's one of the most organized trips that I've ever been on.

"To my surprise it's one of the most organized trips that I've ever been on."

It was very educational...[and] something that I would recommend to anybody.

"It was very educational...[and] something that I would recommend to anybody."

Moving &...very impressive was the Holocaust Museum...all the students truly felt the impact so that they never let that happen again in our history.

"Moving &...very impressive was the Holocaust Museum...all the students truly felt the impact so that they never let that happen again in our history.

Lou Delorio

Lou Delorio

Alta Loma Middle School
South San Francisco, CA
24 years of student travel
7 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 2 tour companies

Dominic Albano

Dominic Albano

Union Hill School
Grass Valley, CA
13 years of student travel
3 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 3 tour companies

Brad Talley

Brad Talley

Alcott Elementary
Norman, OK
5 years of student travel
4 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 2 tour companies

Melinda Shumaker

Melinda Shumaker

Pleasant Grove Middle School
12 years of student travel
6 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 4 tour companies

Jim Glodich

Jim Glodich

Hobby Middle School
San Antonio, TX
27 years of student travel
9 years with School Tours of Ameria
Has traveled with 4 tour companies

Tammy McCullough

Tammy McCullough

Burnt Bridge Elementary
Vancouver, WA
22 years of student travel
6 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 3 tour companies 

Ola King-Claye

Ola King-Claye

Rincoln Valley Middle School
Santa Rosa, CA
17 years of student travel
13 years with School Tours of America

Bob Delaware

Bob Delaware

Cruickshank Middle School
Merced, CA
26 years of student travel
Has traveled with 4 tour companies

Gina McReynolds

Gina McReynolds

Sacred Heart School
Bellevue, WA
5 years with School Tours of America
17 years of student travel

Sheila Reeves

Sheila Reeves

Markham Middle School
1st year with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 2 tour companies

Robin Brown

Robin Brown

Howard Junior High
1st year with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 3 tour companies

Laurie Graham

Laurie Graham

Bleyl Middle School
12 years of student travel
3 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 2 tour companies 

Katrina Smith

Katrina Smith

Frenship Middle School
Wolfforth, TX
13 years of student travel
4 years with School Tours of America
Has traveled with 2 tour companies