Travel Tips
by Blog Editor
These days there are all kinds of great ways to preserve the memories from your travel and educational tours, but one of the best is really the oldest: the time-honored tradition of the travel journal. It’s perfect for recording your thoughts, feelings, questions and memories from a travel experience that you’ll remember forever. Of course, what your travel journal looks like is up to you, but here are a few things to think about:

1. Diary or Journal?
Wouldn't it be great if we had a camera crew around to mark our memories while we traveled? While unrealistic (unless you’re a reality star), you can create a journal to share with friends so they can read about the amazing things you saw and experienced. Or will you write only for yourself, including more personal reflections that you wouldn’t necessarily want the whole world to see? Do what works best for you!
2. Detail or Overview?
Even though the details of your sightseeing from the day may be fresh as you write, think about reading this in 5, 10, or 20 years from now. Recording the tiny details you noticed on the Lincoln Memorial will be fun to read when you’re older and may vividly recreate the scene in your memory.

3. Who Came With You?
The sightseeing and activities are a huge part of any trip, but don’t forget the special people you’re sharing the experience with. Someday down the line you’ll probably get a big kick out of reading something funny your best friend did while visiting the Smithsonian Museums or a Broadway play in New York City.
4. Make it Real!
Find a way to attach theater ticket stubs, subway passes, or any other souvenirs from the places you visit. If you’re using a digital format, you can attach pictures of these important mementos. Along with your written entries, these items can go a long way toward rekindling your memories when you look back on your trip.

No matter how you choose to preserve your memories, the most important thing is to just have fun capturing this unforgettable journey! Whether it’s an educational adventure to Washington, DC, Colonial Virginia, or New York City, a good journal will help make your memories last forever.
Explore the power of travel on a School Tours of America (STA) customized program. STA is celebrating 20 years of creating memories that last a lifetime – especially when you use these travel tips to remember the special moments.